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041 - Winner!

041 - Winner!

"A racehorse is an animal that can take several thousand people for a ride at the same time."

- Anonymous

  • Artist Statement

    'Winner!' is the last piece of a three-part horse racing series released with the Fall Collection of 2009. Along with 'Show' and 'Place' it is a segment of one whole image, with a different quote on each tile. This tile signifies all that is exhilarating about the sport. The pounding of hooves, held breath, crossed fingers, all waiting for that defining single moment where the Winner! edges out the competition by a mere hoof print.

  • Details & Dimensions

    Release Date: July 1, 2009

    Retirement Date: January 1, 2014

    Collection: Fall 2009

    Made by hand with USA-sourced copper, glass enamel, and a custom wood box frame.

    5¼" x 8½" x 1¾" - akin to the size of a novel.

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